Terry Redlin Artist Proof Print: "The Social Hour"
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Terry Redlin Artist Proof Print: "The Social Hour"

Item# 1701490289
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Artist: Terry Redlin
Title: The Social Hour
Edition: Artist Proof
Size: 16.5"H X 28.5"W
About The Art: "Across the river at the Lakeside Conservation Club, the party is in full swing. Some drove to this idyllic setting, others arrived by boat after a little hunting and fishing along the way. Their dogs wait patiently by the water, as a flight of buffleheads swoop low in the setting sun's golden rays. All is serene in this romantic painting, but the artist asks us to consider the impressive rail fence in the foreground. Sturdy enough to hold cattle in the pasture, it is carefully positioned on the river's bank, so that enough of the stream's flow creeps under the fence to offer the herd a good hearty drink."
Terry Redlin Artist Proof Print: "The Social Hour"
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